Heyaa! Well, just thought I'd share a bit of TS3 news; ya see, once upon a time, my game f*cked up, and so, I was forced to re-install. Then, when I tried to install my ep [ late night and ambitions <3 ] the game fricked up again. So I re-installed the base game only, and it worked fine. I'm feeling confident so I am installing my base games now! WOOP! YEA! PARTY!
*ahem*. Sorry for that outburst.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Fave TV Shows!
Heyaa. Just a little ramble I decided to post about TV shows I like because I've been watching TV online for ages today:P So I have watched all of season 1 of Pretty Little Liars [ <3 IT SO MUCH ] and I watched up to Episode 3 of season 2. Also, I have decided to watch ALL of Pokémon, right from the beginning, where Ash met Pikachu =') I actualy CAN'T WAIT! woop:D And, yeaa, if you were wondering, I AM a total nerd. LOL. Wish me luck!
Random Bloggeh Post. (:
So, here's a piece of info that you don't know about me yet; I LOVE photography. Even though I've never had a proper camera, I always found myself wanting to capture moments where something looked BEAUTIFUL, and during these moments, a camera was available in some shape or form. Thing is, though, there are so many cameras out there, and although I want to dive into the world of photos again, the whole task is kinda daunting. And remember;I'm a young teenager, so of course I can't really afford all the really TOP cameras. Just something for beginners would be nice. Any ideas would be a MASSIVE help. =]
Friday, 1 July 2011
The Kavanagh Legacy: Chapter 1.1
My life motto? Lets have some fun ;)
'Cos, if you don't enjoy life, who's gunna wanna be your friend, huh? Why would you bother to have a life if you don't live it?
I 'spose I should tell you a little about myself, or else none of the chapters I write after this would make any sense. My names Lauren Kavanagh. If I had to describe myself, that sentence would go like this: Artistic, bookwormish, a computer whiz, friendly, and I have a great sense of humour too.
I love cookies (NOM NOM NOM) pop music (or Indie) and my fave colour would be...ummmm...Aqua:)
I'm a Scorpio.
I only ever had one friend growing up; Kairo DeLondrés, a Spanish boy who's mum was best friends with my mum. When he moved away, my whole life crumbled, and it took me a while to get back up on my feet again, but now here I am, living large in Sunset Valley! I hated Riverview anyway.
My first day in SV pretty much consisted of:
exploring the town...
Meeting the residents...
The good,
the bad,
and the ugly.
Don't worry, I remembered to have fun ;)
All day though, I must admit, my mind was once again stuck on Kairo. Was he here? Was this where he had moved? How could I find him now that I was an adult? Did he know where I was?
But then I reminded myself that I WAS an adult, and I had adult-like responsiblities to take care of. And so I began the task of fulfilling my lifetime wish; to become a star news anchor.
And so I strolled over to the careers office and listed myself as a journalist.
My smile felt strained though. Even that couldn't lift the familiar pain that was seeping from my heart into my chest as the day continued. In the end, I decided to head home and burrow my sorrows in some mac 'n cheese.
In the end, I decided to head home and burrow my sorrows in some mac 'n cheese.
I ate outside, hoping that the fresh air would unclench my muscles.
It didn't.
My only accomplishment? That mac 'n cheese was pretty damn good.
After a quick shower...
...I headed to my new bedroom.I eased onto the bed cauitiously, as though it was an alligator in disguise. It was cold and had that awful un-slept-in feeling you always get with a brand new bed. I suddenly craved for my own bed back home, and my old cuddly teddy bear Snuffles.
But for the 8th time that day, I reminded myself that I was an adult.
And then I cried myself to sleep.
OK, that's the first chapter! I really hope ou enjoyed, thanks for reading, and don't worry, they will be longer next time:)
I love cookies (NOM NOM NOM) pop music (or Indie) and my fave colour would be...ummmm...Aqua:)
I'm a Scorpio.
I only ever had one friend growing up; Kairo DeLondrés, a Spanish boy who's mum was best friends with my mum. When he moved away, my whole life crumbled, and it took me a while to get back up on my feet again, but now here I am, living large in Sunset Valley! I hated Riverview anyway.
My first day in SV pretty much consisted of:
exploring the town...
Meeting the residents...
The good,
the bad,
and the ugly.
Don't worry, I remembered to have fun ;)
All day though, I must admit, my mind was once again stuck on Kairo. Was he here? Was this where he had moved? How could I find him now that I was an adult? Did he know where I was?
But then I reminded myself that I WAS an adult, and I had adult-like responsiblities to take care of. And so I began the task of fulfilling my lifetime wish; to become a star news anchor.
And so I strolled over to the careers office and listed myself as a journalist.
My smile felt strained though. Even that couldn't lift the familiar pain that was seeping from my heart into my chest as the day continued. In the end, I decided to head home and burrow my sorrows in some mac 'n cheese.
In the end, I decided to head home and burrow my sorrows in some mac 'n cheese.
I ate outside, hoping that the fresh air would unclench my muscles.
It didn't.
My only accomplishment? That mac 'n cheese was pretty damn good.
After a quick shower...
...I headed to my new bedroom.I eased onto the bed cauitiously, as though it was an alligator in disguise. It was cold and had that awful un-slept-in feeling you always get with a brand new bed. I suddenly craved for my own bed back home, and my old cuddly teddy bear Snuffles.
But for the 8th time that day, I reminded myself that I was an adult.
And then I cried myself to sleep.
OK, that's the first chapter! I really hope ou enjoyed, thanks for reading, and don't worry, they will be longer next time:)
Legacy PIcs Are Uplooooaaadiingg!
The first chapter should be up sooooon, I'm simply uploading the photos to Photobucket and then I'll start to write:)
Thursday, 30 June 2011
<3 This is Beaaauuutifuuul.
Legacy News!
Turns out I will be posting the first chapter tomorrow, so look forward to that! I WAS gunna post some pics but I think I'll just leave it now:P
Heya! So today it is BEAUTIFUL weather, so me and my friends decided to head to the local swimming pool. After some hilarious races and drowning incidents, we headed over to the smoothie shop where I got the, "mixed berry extravaganza". LOL that sounds so fancy, right? Basically it was blueberries, blackberries and strawberries, along with some other ones. Really tasty though, I must say. My mouth is watering just thinking about it...!
In other news (the fun gamer-nerdy kind), I'm getting my a DSi soon! My other one broke so I haven't had a chance to play my beloved Pokémon in AGES. :'(

I have decided to get Pokémon Black/White (no racism intented), but I'm not sure which one yet. If anyone has any ideas, leave a comment :)

In simmer news, I have created a founder for my newest legacy (I will tell you the name later ;] ) and it's my simself! I have never made one before, so it was kinda interesting. I'll post some pictures closer to the time, k?
Lots of love,
In other news (the fun gamer-nerdy kind), I'm getting my a DSi soon! My other one broke so I haven't had a chance to play my beloved Pokémon in AGES. :'(
I have decided to get Pokémon Black/White (no racism intented), but I'm not sure which one yet. If anyone has any ideas, leave a comment :)
In simmer news, I have created a founder for my newest legacy (I will tell you the name later ;] ) and it's my simself! I have never made one before, so it was kinda interesting. I'll post some pictures closer to the time, k?
Lots of love,
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Hey there!
Hi! This post is really just a test post, but I suppose I can fill you in on what this blog is about. Basically, I will be playing games such as Pokémon and TheSims3, because the are my FAVE games ever, and maybe some more along the way. I'll ramble about my life in general, and I would be really happy if you joined in and showed me some rambling skills of your own, whether it be in the comments or sending me a private message, ect. So, that's all I really have to say for now, but stay tuned 'cos it would make my day so much brighter :D
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