Friday, 1 July 2011

The Kavanagh Legacy: Chapter 1.1

My life motto? Lets have some fun ;)
'Cos, if you don't enjoy life, who's gunna wanna be your friend, huh? Why would you bother to have a life if you don't live it?
I 'spose I should tell you a little about myself, or else none of the chapters I write after this would make any sense. My names Lauren Kavanagh. If I had to describe myself, that sentence would go like this: Artistic, bookwormish, a computer whiz, friendly, and I have a great sense of humour too.
I love cookies (NOM NOM NOM) pop music (or Indie) and my fave colour would be...ummmm...Aqua:)
I'm a Scorpio.
I only ever had one friend growing up; Kairo DeLondrés, a Spanish boy who's mum was best friends with my mum. When he moved away, my whole life crumbled, and it took me a while to get back up on my feet again, but now here I am, living large in Sunset Valley! I hated Riverview anyway.
My first day in SV pretty much consisted of:
exploring the town...
Meeting the residents...
The good,
the bad,
and the ugly.
Don't worry, I remembered to have fun ;)
All day though, I must admit, my mind was once again stuck on Kairo. Was he here? Was this where he had moved? How could I find him now that I was an adult? Did he know where I was?
But then I reminded myself that I WAS an adult, and I had adult-like responsiblities to take care of. And so I began the task of fulfilling my lifetime wish; to become a star news anchor.
And so I strolled over to the careers office and listed myself as a journalist.
My smile felt strained though. Even that couldn't lift the familiar pain that was seeping from my heart into my chest as the day continued. In the end, I decided to head home and burrow my sorrows in some mac 'n cheese.
 In the end, I decided to head home and burrow my sorrows in some mac 'n cheese.
I ate outside, hoping that the fresh air would unclench my muscles.
It didn't.
My only accomplishment? That mac 'n cheese was pretty damn good.
After a quick shower...
...I headed to my new bedroom.I eased onto the bed cauitiously, as though it was an alligator in disguise. It was cold and had that awful un-slept-in feeling you always get with a brand new bed. I suddenly craved for my own bed back home, and my old cuddly teddy bear Snuffles.
But for the 8th time that day, I reminded myself that I was an adult.
And then I cried myself to sleep.

OK, that's the first chapter! I really hope ou enjoyed, thanks for reading, and don't worry, they will be longer next time:)



  1. That was really good!! Actually it was quite magical! You are a really talented writer!

  2. Thankies so much guys! I really appreciate it:)

  3. Heyyy. How did yo get your pictures with the frames

  4. Acc, Zombeh they just came like that:P Sorry I couldn't help you more=/
